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About us

The Belgian Disability Forum (BDF) gathers 20 Belgian organisations representative of persons with disabilities. BDF represents the interests of various disability groups at the european and supranational level.

The BDF is a 'forum'

Because a forum is a public meeting place for open discussion:

  • to share information
  • to share experience
  • to share knowledge
  • to share ideas

Because a forum is the ideal place to initiate:

  • new projects
  • new constructions
  • new modes of joint work

Why a NPO ?

The reason is that a non-profit organisation (NPO) is the legal form which corresponds best to BDF needs and objectives:

  • a NPO statute guarantees BDF independence : its General Assembly decides on action lines
  • this statute guarantees BDF operational legality, at both formal and financial levels

What do we mean by « organisations representative of persons with disabilities » ?

In what concerns the BDF, those are organisations that represent:

  • persons with disabilities
  • persons with a disease whose consequences are impairing
  • families of disabled persons unable to speak for themselves